US and Canada Index |
The US and Canada Green City Index, a research project conducted by the Economist Intelligence Unit, Sponsored by Siemens, seeks to measure and compare the environmental performance of 27 major U.S. and Canadian cities across nine categories. Cities play a fundamental role in national life: 82% of Americans and 81% of Canadians are urban dwellers - and the trend is increasing. The ongoing urbanization poses tough challenges for infrastructure and environment.
Goal of the Index is to allow a comparison of cities against their peers and thus to provide insights for city stakeholder groups, such as authorities, policymakers, and citizens into their city's strengths and weaknesses.From the Philadelphia City Portrait (PDF):
Looking at the North American Report, Exemplary projects are identified for each of the nine category findings. Not surpisingly, San Fransisco has exemplary projects identified (Energy and CO2: A comprehensive approach to renewables; Waste: Recycling Laws). Philadlphia's strongest project, "Greenworks Philadelphia" only lands us near the top (5) for governance.
Looking globally, the European Report is also avalable and highlights even more aggressive strategies being implemented. Copenhagen takes top spot in the European analysis, where our MS Sustainable Design program offers a choice of two summer choices at DIS.
Please take some time to download and review these reports.
Siemens Green City Index
City Portrait Philadelphia (PDF)
North America Report (PDF)
European Report (PDF)