So now I have a plethora of blue foam quarters to work with. Impossible! After thinking of multiple uses and possibilites, I was leaning towards some kind of shoe sole. Knowing that there would already be a better product on the market, maybe the best opportunity would be to design a low-cost shoe for developing nations. While tinkering with a sole design, I just couldn't get it right. We would have to stack them a few inches tall just to get the proper support, forcing me to drop the idea.
Over the next few days I spent time talking with different people, trying to find an actual use for this weird product. The idea of a packaging/moving wrap came along. Small stacks sandwiched between two sheets of Tyvek should protect fragile items during transit while keeping them waterproof.
After gluing stacks of 3 coins together, we were able to have a substantial amount of impact resistance. Then we needed to space them out appropriately so that the wrap was still very flexible. Here's what our product turned out like:

Let me know what you think or if you have any better ideas.
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