Sunday, February 20, 2011

Must Read: National Service Is More Than Military. Step Up For Your Country

Here's a inspirational piece published in Newsweek from Gen. Stanley McChrystal reminding us that we all have an obligation to serve. It's a powerful read that makes you want to get up, get involved, and create a better community. This isn't a conversation about national policy or what has happened in Afghanistan. It's a reflection on us as a people, and I hope you'll enjoy it as much as I did.
…Even the most basic responsibilities of being an American are considered optional by many. In the seeming anonymity of modern life, the concept of community responsibility has weakened, yet is needed more than ever…

…We can always outsource work—hire other people to complete projects—arguably with greater efficiency. But we must understand that our real objective must be in shaping Americans. We must build into our society, and into ourselves, a sense of ability and responsibility.

We must recognize that service is typically doing things that you would not choose to do, but that must be done. It can be rewarding; it can also be difficult, onerous, and even dangerous. It cannot rely on short-term volunteers any more than our independence could be won by the people Tom Paine termed “summer soldiers and sunshine patriots.” It must have people with a firm commitment, backed by a society that values their contribution…

Read the full article here: Newsweek: Step Up For Your Country

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